Warriors of the Faith- How to write your faith when it gets hard.
Many people are afraid to write about their faith because they think it will make them irrelevant. Because Jesus is "cliche" or out of fashion. I myself have written books without God or Jesus in them, and that was because I thought it was easier to write them. The truth is, it is sooo much more simple to write books without God in them. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't put God in your books. I find that most of the time, whenever I add God, or Jesus to my books, they gain so much more depth and emotion, bringing the story to life. For me, I have the hardest time actually doing this. I have to continually pause and think to myself, "Is this the right image to portray of God?" As Christians, we are called to a higher purpose and we know by the Holy Spirit what is right and wrong. Not to mention the Bible guides our choices as well. So whenever we put God into our stories, it will definitely get harder. It's not meant to be easy to share yo...