Writing Better Faster
I know a lot of people ask this question, and I thought that I'd address it since the last two posts were about art. And before you get too excited, this won't make your writing blossom into something truly amazing and gifted overnight, though that is every author's dream come true. This will simply help you to get better at writing with practice. Like everything else, if you want to become a master, you'll have to practice! But I know that these tips will help you to at least become a better storyteller by just making you pause and realize, you can do simple things to make your story jump off the page at readers! Tip #1- Synonyms So, this first tip, which is something that I love to do when I'm writing or editing one of my stories, is synonyms. Readers find it tedious to have the same word, no matter how good it might sound, continue to pop up through the same sentence. For example, "Jackie dashed toward the door...